
Featured Business: JP Gasimbo – Komezakaranga Drummers (US Westcoast Zone)

Business Name: Komezakaranga Drummers
Founder: JP Gasimbo
Industry: Burundian Drumming Cultural Entertainment
Location: US Westcoast Zone

About Komezakaranga Drummers:
Komezakaranga Drummers, led by JP Gasimbo, is a cultural entertainment group dedicated to bringing the rich traditions of Burundian drumming to audiences across the United States, particularly in the West Coast region. The group showcases the power and beauty of Burundian music, offering performances that captivate and educate audiences about the unique cultural heritage of Burundi.

What We Offer:

Komezakaranga Drummers strives to preserve and promote Burundian culture through the vibrant sounds of traditional drumming. By performing at various events and conducting educational workshops, the group aims to raise awareness of Burundian heritage while also inspiring future generations to appreciate their cultural roots.

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